John Colter Trail 1807 — 1808
Day 38: September 20th, 2005 Detroit — Pittsburgh
Last night I slept really well. I have breakfast together with Matt, who must leave for his appointment at 9am. Jean went back to bed again, because she did Adams homework until the late night. Matt plans to be back around half past ten. This is the time, when Jean usually leaves for her job. The timing will fit pretty well for me.
Around a quarter past eleven, Matt calls the gas station to see, where they are at. Unfortunately they have not finished the work on my truck yet. Therefore Matt prepares a delicious salmon sandwich with the left overs from yesterday. Around half past twelve, the gas station calls and tell us, that my car is ready to be picked up. But they were not able to help me with the oil drain plug without doing another oil change. But as I am only going to Pittsburgh, I should replace the plug with the next planned oil change — not a problem, as I will do this myself…

Adnan, Shell Gas Station, Dearborn Heights, MI

Adnan with broken water pump
After lunch we drive over to the gas station and I am able to receive my truck. Adnan, the owner of this shop, also cleaned out the dirt (which are insects) between my two radiators. He also replaced the drive belt — the old one already showed a crack. This is definitely how a garage should work!
Then I am eventually back on the highway. First I must fight my way through this road construction to the Interstate again.
Then I am on my way to Pittsburgh.

I-75, State Line MI and OH
I cross the state line to Ohio and at Highway 2 I leave the Interstate again to avoid the toll roads.

Highway 2, Sandusky Bay, OH
Once again I drive through the picturesque Sandusky Bay.
Then once again through Columbus, Ohio.

I-80, State Line OH and PA
Finally I do the last state line crossing for this year and I am back again in Pennsylvania. In the meantime it already feels like coming back home…
Lucky me, the distance today was not so huge. Despite my late departure I already arrive around 6pm at Helen’s house. First I unload my truck and put all my stuff into my room. Then I relax a bit in the rocking chair. Around half past seven I leave for the Outback Steakhouse. On my way back I buy some fuel stabilizer at Wal–Mart. Around 10pm I am back and fall totally tired in my bed.
- Sights
- —
- General
- Breakfast: Matt & Jean, Detroit
- Dinner: Outback Steakhouse, Pittsburgh
- Motel: Home
- Distance: 351 miles