Robert Stuart Trail 1812 — 1813

Day 25: September 5th, 2007 Pinedale — Rock Springs

Unfortunately, I still wake up in the middle of the night and I am staying awake for almost an hour. That’s why I completely sleep in and I am not able to finish my breakfast before a quarter past ten. At least the service at Stockman’s is quite okay and I am not starting my day annoyed.

Museum of the Mountain Man, Pinedale, WY Museum of the Mountain Man, Pinedale, WY
Museum of the Mountain Man, Pinedale, WY

First, I visit the Museum of the Mountain Man. There it’s all about famous guys in the Rockies, where also Robert Stuart received his place. Before I leave I have a nice chat with the employee, who is really interested in my trail. I show her my book, where the trail is described. Maybe they even add it to their collection! But for now I must leave.

Pinedale East Rd, Pinedale, WY Pinedale East Rd, Pinedale, WY
Pinedale East Rd, Pinedale, WY

In the meantime it is half past twelve and I planned to leave here at eleven. I take again a backroad out of this village. But soon this road ends at a turnaround and I must drive back to the main road.

Cattle, Fayette Pole Creek Rd, WY Cattle, Fayette Pole Creek Rd, WY
Cattle, Fayette Pole Creek Rd, WY

Then I continue on Fayette Pole Creek Rd. The clouds in the sky don’t really look promising. But I have the luck, that I am driving ahead of the bad weather. Anyways, I still have mixed feelings when driving the backroads, especially when they turn into dirt roads. And again private property stops my progress and I must drive back to the main road.

Then I have to take Highway 191 and 353 to reach my planned destination point.

Highway 353, WY Highway 353, WY
Highway 353, WY
Highway 353, WY Highway 353, WY
Highway 353, WY
Highway 353, WY Highway 353, WY
Highway 353, WY

On the paved Highway 353 I make good progress.

Pronghorn, Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY Pronghorn, Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Pronghorn, Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Buckskin Crossing Marker, Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY Buckskin Crossing Marker, Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Buckskin Crossing Marker, Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY
Big Sandy Elkhorn Rd, WY

When I am getting deeper into the mountains, I am on the gravel roads again.

88 S10 Blazer, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY 88 S10 Blazer, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
88 S10 Blazer, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Cattle, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Cattle, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Cattle, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Pronghorn, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Pronghorn, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Pronghorn, Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY Lander Cutoff Rd, WY
Lander Cutoff Rd, WY

Then I continue on good gravel roads through a very picturesque landscape.

Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
Elkhorn Cutoff Rd, WY
McCann Ranch Rd, WY McCann Ranch Rd, WY
McCann Ranch Rd, WY

Finally I arrive at a real offroad track. There are deep washouts, which I definitely don’t want to drive in rain.

Backroad, WY Backroad, WY
Backroad, WY
Backroad, WY Backroad, WY
Backroad, WY
88 S10 Blazer, Oregon Trail, Backroad, WY 88 S10 Blazer, Oregon Trail, Backroad, WY
88 S10 Blazer, Oregon Trail, Backroad, WY
California Trail Marker, Backroad, WY California Trail Marker, Backroad, WY
California Trail Marker, Backroad, WY

Then I continue on real offroad tracks. To my surprise, there are suddenly historical markers for the California Trail all around! And suddenly a gate blocks me from reaching Highway 28! But because there are markers all around, I assume it is legal to drive here. At least I have not seen “Private Property” or “No Trespassing” signs, which should stop me.

Here is also the famous “Parting of the Way Marker”, where the Oregon Trail and California Trail separates. On the historical marker they also remember Robert Stuart!

88 S10 Blazer, South Pass, WY 88 S10 Blazer, South Pass, WY
88 S10 Blazer, South Pass, WY
Lander Pinedale Stage Rd, WY Lander Pinedale Stage Rd, WY
Lander Pinedale Stage Rd, WY
Lander Pinedale Stage Rd, WY Lander Pinedale Stage Rd, WY
Lander Pinedale Stage Rd, WY

Shortly after I arrive at South Pass, where I enter the backroads once again.

Pacific Springs Marker, WY Pacific Springs Marker, WY
Pacific Springs Marker, WY
Pacific Springs Blockhouse, WY Pacific Springs Blockhouse, WY
Pacific Springs Blockhouse, WY
Emigrant Trail, WY Emigrant Trail, WY
Emigrant Trail, WY
Emigrant Trail, WY Emigrant Trail, WY
Emigrant Trail, WY

On the backroads I finally arrive at the Pacific Springs and a decayed blockhouse.

Oregon Buttes Rd, WY Oregon Buttes Rd, WY
Oregon Buttes Rd, WY
Highway 28, WY Highway 28, WY
Highway 28, WY

Because I have already heard about flash flood warnings in the radio and Hoback Junction is closed due to an earth slide, I don’t drive too far on the backroads and return to the Highway soon.

Highway 28, WY Highway 28, WY
Highway 28, WY

Also I am running out of video tapes. Therefore I decide to drive to a bigger city to stay for the night. Rock Springs is not farther away than Lander. But there I should be able to get everything what I need. On my drive, the rain reaches me. Lucky me, that I am back on pavement now. So it doesn’t really hurt.

Around half past six I arrive at the Motel 6. But this is already completely booked. My next attempt is the Super 8. But there a sign at the entrance door shows me, that they are also booked. At least I don’t must walk into the lobby to realize this. Then I encounter an American Best Values Inn. They actually only have one smoking room left. But because it is already so late, they give me an actually booked non–smoking room with two beds to a discount price of $85.60 plus tax. Really glad I happily take this room!

The reception lady explains me, that the oil and gas companies around here booked all motels from Monday to Thursday. So you should never stay here during the week! I hurry up to get my stuff into the room. Unfortunately, there is no Outback Steakhouse around here. But there is an Applebee’s in walking distance (just a block down the road).

Because the rain has stopped in the meantime, I walk to the restaurant. Around a quarter past eight I depart and I am back at the motel around half past nine. The dinner was good again as well as the service. Back in my motel room I check the video taping of today, do my book keeping and enter the next GPS coordinates. As I even have a coffee machine in my room, I make myself a coffe to have it comfortable during my work. Then I eventually go to bed…

  • Sights
  • Museum of the Mountain Man (Fee $5)
  • South Pass
  • Parting of the Way Historical Marker
  • Pacific Springs
  • General
  • Breakfast: Stockman’s Restaurant, Pinedale
  • Dinner: Applebee’s, Rock Springs
  • Motel: Americas Best Value Inn, Rock Springs
  • Distance: 187 miles