Robert Stuart Trail 1812 — 1813

Day 36: September 16th, 2007 St. Charles — Henderson

I have breakfast again at Cracker Barrel. Although I am there already at 9am, I still must wait 10 minutes for a free table. You can tell that it is Sunday today. After breakfast I drive over to the next gas station.

I–70, Missouri River, St. Charles, MO I–70, Missouri River, St. Charles, MO
I–70, Missouri River, St. Charles, MO

Around 10am I depart. First I take the Interstate in direction of Downtown St. Louis. The people around here really drive like crazy!

I–70, St. Louis, MO I–70, St. Louis, MO
I–70, St. Louis, MO
I–70, The Arch, St. Louis, MO I–70, The Arch, St. Louis, MO
I–70, The Arch, St. Louis, MO
I–55, St. Louis, MO I–55, St. Louis, MO
I–55, St. Louis, MO
Highway 3, State Line MO and IL Highway 3, State Line MO and IL
Highway 3, State Line MO and IL
Highway 3, IL Highway 3, IL
Highway 3, IL

I cross the Mississippi River and even get the chance to take some pictures from “The Arch”.

Then I take Highway 3 along the Mississippi River like back then in 1999 when I was following the Lewis & Clark Trail.

However, I don’t take the smallest backroads along the river or the levee this time, but the smaller paved highways. This way I make really good miles, even though I got lost one time.

Then I continue along the river on paved roads.

Next, I drive through Ellis Grove, Illinois.

E Kaskaskia St/CR6, Mississippi River, IL E Kaskaskia St/CR6, Mississippi River, IL
E Kaskaskia St/CR6, Mississippi River, IL
E Kaskaskia St/CR6, IL E Kaskaskia St/CR6, IL
E Kaskaskia St/CR6, IL
E Kaskaskia St/CR6, Mississippi River, Chester, IL E Kaskaskia St/CR6, Mississippi River, Chester, IL
E Kaskaskia St/CR6, Mississippi River, Chester, IL

Finally I leave the river just past Chester to follow Stuarts trail, when he took horses in eastern direction.

Koehn Rd, IL Koehn Rd, IL
Koehn Rd, IL
Highway 151, Kinkaid Lake, IL Highway 151, Kinkaid Lake, IL
Highway 151, Kinkaid Lake, IL

Again I am traveling on smaller paved roads.

Highway 149, West Frankfort, IL Highway 149, West Frankfort, IL
Highway 149, West Frankfort, IL
Backroad, IL Backroad, IL
Backroad, IL

Next, I drive through West Frankfort, Illinois.

Highway 13, IL Highway 13, IL
Highway 13, IL
Highway 13/56, Ohio River, State Line IL and KY Highway 13/56, Ohio River, State Line IL and KY
Highway 13/56, Ohio River, State Line IL and KY

At Shawneetown I reach the Ohio River and cross this one and the state line to Kentucky.

Highway 56/Main St, Morganfield, KY Highway 56/Main St, Morganfield, KY
Highway 56/Main St, Morganfield, KY

Then I take Highway 60 at Morganfield, which I will follow tomorrow for a very long time.

Henderson is now not very far, so I check in already around 4pm at my motel. This is exceptionally a Super 8 this time, where you are able to park in front of your room! And just at my room are the stairs to the upper level and you are not allowed to park there. But the signs on the pavement are almost invisible. Therefore I park there anyway.

Then I start my search for a Wal–Mart, which takes forever. Into the bargain I end up at the Interstate like Highway 41 which I must follow forever until I am able to turn around. Eventually I discover the Wal–Mart, which is not even half a mile away from my motel! It is in the same area where is also the Cracker Barrel. The CD I was looking for seems to be not available. But when I am already there, I take the fuel stabilizer with me.

Just before eight I continue to Applebee’s. My server is pretty fast and also really interested in the historic trails I am following. Around a quarter to nine I pay and drive back to my motel. Because I have already done all my daily evening tasks before I left for Wal–Mart, I quickly make myself a coffee and watch “Standing Tall” on TV. Somehow I feel an itchy throat. I am wondering if this is the result of the yesterday’s smoking room? Hopefully I will not get sick…

The next day is in preparation…

  • Sights
  • General
  • Breakfast: Cracker Barrel, St. Charles
  • Dinner: Applebee’s, Henderson
  • Motel: Super 8, Henderson
  • Distance: 348 miles