Robert Stuart Trail 1812 — 1813

Day 34: September 14th, 2007 Omaha — Kansas City

Today I receive directions to the post office when checking out. It is almost the same way as to the Outback Steakhouse. I just have to turn left a little bit earlier. This should be easy to find! I say thank you and drive over to the Village Inn at the corner for breakfast. Then I drive over to the post office to first get some stamps for my postcards.

Finally I drive to the next gas station and around a quarter past ten I am back on the road.

First I drive back to my yesterdays finishing point at the South Platte River.

Main St/Highway 66, Louisville, NE Main St/Highway 66, Louisville, NE
Main St/Highway 66, Louisville, NE

Then I continue on backroads to Louisville, Nebraska.

Cedar Creek Rd, NE Cedar Creek Rd, NE
Cedar Creek Rd, NE

First I take Highway 66, then again smaller backroads. At one spot, they are currently felling a tree and they have set up a detour over private property.

Main St, Plattsmouth, NE Main St, Plattsmouth, NE
Main St, Plattsmouth, NE

Finally I arrive at Plattsmouth. Unfortunately, I am not able to drive to the river confluence as originally planned, because everything around there is private property. Therefore I directly continue on the bigger highways.

Because I have already followed this stretch of the Missouri River many times in the past, I take not the smallest roads along the river but a little bit bigger highways.

Highway 67, NE Highway 67, NE
Highway 67, NE

So I arrive at Brownsville in Nebraska. Around half past one Johanna calls me on my mobile phone because she assumed I would arrive around noon. I explain to her that I am still on the road and will probably arrive in the early afternoon at the hotel.

Then I continue through Falls City.

661 Ave, NE 661 Ave, NE
661 Ave, NE

At one spot I miss the correct exit, but I soon discover my mistake and return to the originally planned route.

Highway 7, KS Highway 7, KS
Highway 7, KS
Highway 7, KS Highway 7, KS
Highway 7, KS
Highway 7, State Line NE and KS Highway 7, State Line NE and KS
Highway 7, State Line NE and KS

On Highway 7 I cross the state line to Kansas.

Then I drive through Atchison.

Next I drive through Leavenworth. Now it is not very far to Kansas City.

I–70, State Line KS and MO I–70, State Line KS and MO
I–70, State Line KS and MO

Around 5pm I finally arrive at the Holiday Inn Express. Lucky me I currently have my CB antenna no longer on my roof. Otherwise I would have not been able to drive through the covered area at the entrance.

Everything worked out with my reservation and I receive a very beautiful room — which has the according room rate. I put my stuff into the room and call Johanna. She picks me up and we do a brief walk through Kansas City. Then we go to McCoys for dinner. She wants to sit outside even when it is already a bit chilly. But it is still okay.

Around 11pm we say good–bye and I walk back to my motel. Because it is still not too late I make myself a coffee, check my video taping of today, do my book keeping and write my diary.

  • Sights
  • General
  • Breakfast: Village Inn, Omaha
  • Dinner: McCoys, Kansas City
  • Motel: Holiday Inn Express, Kansas City
  • Distance: 211 miles