Wilson Price Hunt Trail (‘Astorians’) 1811 — 1812

Day 41: September 22nd, 2006 Pittsburgh — Munich

Today it’s going back home. On time I am at the airport and even meet Bill there. But unfortunately my flight cannot depart due to bad weather in Chicago. Around half past two instead of half past twelve my flight eventually departs. But at the runway we have the next problem: Air Force II with the Vice President wants to depart. Therefore no one is allowed to take off within the next half an hour.

Around 3pm the pilot starts eventually the engines again and we are rolling. The weather is pretty mixed and during our landing in Chicago we get pretty much churned. Lucky me, I have booked with enough buffer time. So I am still in time for my big transatlantic flight from Chicago to Munich.

At 6pm the boarding was supposed to start. But due to the bad weather it will be delayed by an hour. After two hours this hour is over and we can start boarding. Then we roll to the runway — and the pilot stops the engines once again! Due to technical problems on another runway, all traffic will be rerouted to this runway and we must wait for another half an hour.

Then we can eventually take off. But the flight will not be pleasant. We fly directly through this bad weather. Indeed, it is interesting to watch a thunderstorm from up in the air. But it is extremely uncomfortable to be churned. It’s getting partly this rough, that they stop distributing the food and the flight attendances are asked to take a seat. This is something I have never had before! Also my stomach is slowly starting to cause issues and also my neighbor does not really feel well.

We both do not eat too much and try to relax while watching the movies. Also when the weather is starting to calm down, it still takes a long time until the stomach slowly starts to settle…

With a huge delay we finally land in Munich. This time there are no issues with immigration and customs. Only my suitcase did not found it’s way to the plane in Chicago. So I must do once again a lost luggage claim and then I can walk outside.

My parents already wait impatiently. But they already assumed that I have again issues with loosing my suitcase. Around 1pm we are back at my home and first we get my car back. Then they hand me over some “Brezen” and “Weißwürste” to have a great Bavarian lunch. Because it is already pretty late, I don’t lay down and start immediately checking my emails instead. When I am finished with this task it is already evening and I quickly prepare something for dinner. Then I fall dog–tired into my bed…

  • Sights
  • General
  • Breakfast: Home
  • Dinner: Plane
  • Motel: Plane
  • Distance: —