Zebulon Montgomery Pike Trail to Red River, Arkansas Journey 1806 — 1807
Day 13: August 27th, 2004 Osage Beach — Warsaw
Due to my good experiences from yesterday at Kay’s Restaurant, I have breakfast there again. But this time I don’t have the luck from yesterday with a free table. After almost 20 minutes of waiting I am asked, if I may want to take a seat in the smoking area. As I have no one seen smoking there, I agree. Otherwise I have no chance to get back on the road soon. Unfortunately the table has been wiped with something sticky. When I put my road map on the table, it almost glues on. Beside that, the breakfast is as great as yesterday.
After my usual stop at the gas station I take Highway 54 south to Camdenton, then Highway 7 northeast to the exit for Bridal Cave.

Bridal Cave, MO

Bridal Cave, MO

Bridal Cave, MO

Bridal Cave, MO
Here I am lucky time–wise. The next tour starts within a quarter of an hour. I take a brief tour through the gift shop, before I walk over to the waiting area. The tour starts again with me as the only guest. But just when the real tour starts, another couple joins.
Also this cave has to offer a lot of formations. The highlight is just at the beginning: A giant formation of pillars formed of stalactites and stalagmites, who look like a giant organ. Just in front of this is a stalagmite, which is used as an altar for weddings.

Bridal Cave, MO

Bridal Cave, MO

Bridal Cave, MO

Bridal Cave, MO
Again, this cave is really well developed. However the tour itself is already more touristy. But because the group is so small the tour is still fine. After the tour I have a brief chat with one of the tour guides at the visitor center. She tells me, that the Fantasy Wild Caverns, which I planned to visit two days ago, are currently for sale.

Highway 5, Osage River, MO
After my visit I take Highway 7 and Highway 5 further on north just past Laurie.

Lake Trail Ln CR5-24), MO

Lake Trail Ln CR5-24), MO
Then I follow the river beds again on backroads, like the Lake Trail Ln. In between I am always back on pavement, but most of the time I am following gravel roads.
Due to the last rain there are still numerous little creeks around, which are floating over the roads. But none of these creek crossings are really deep. Only at one spot the river has taken out a bridge and I am forced to find a way around.
Finally I arrive at my destination of today, the Super 8 in Warsaw, around half past three. This is one of the rare Super 8 motels, where you can park directly in front of your room and where you have a direct entrance door from there. That is really great! I also find a Country Radio Statiuon at FM94.7MHz.
But when I enter my car after checking in and try to start, there is only a short sound and that’s it. That does not look promising. I try it a couple of times, but always with the same result. I assume, that maybe a wire to my starter had come loose or something is causing a short, because the whole power supply in my truck goes down.
I take a look under the hood, but there is nothing that catches my eye. Eventually the battery cable comes to my view and suddenly a sneaking suspicion starts. Last year I had the same issue down in Texas. At that time, only the battery cable came loose. And really, that is again the same problem. What a luck! I tighten the battery clamp again, which most likely came loose by driving over these rattling gravel roads. Then I am able to drive over to my room.
When I unload my truck, someone asks me, if I am a storm chaser. Unfortunately I have to say No. I admit, that my outfit with mounted camera and GPS pretty much looks like one of these heroic guys in the US. But I am just a simple traveler, who is documenting his trips for his own memory.
First I check the video taping of today. Then it is time again to feed my GPS. As it is still pretty early, I use the opportunity to watch a little bit TV. Around 7pm I leave my room to search for a nice dinner restaurant. The motel recommends to go to the Benton House.
The parking lot is already pretty good filled up. But it looks more like a residence building rather than a restaurant. And indeed the inside really looks like a residence place. There are a lot of small rooms, which have some small tables in there. All in all it is a very family–like atmosphere for dinner.
However, the hostess seems to not consider me as a guest, because she asks me what she can do for me. When she realizes my puzzled view, she quickly asks if I want to have a table…
I have once again a 12 ounce steak, whereas this one is unfortunately pretty much marbled. Beside that, everything is fine. Around half past eight I am back in my motel again. There I watch a little bit television, before I go to bed.
- Sights
- Bridal Cave (Fee $12)
- General
- Breakfast: Kay’s Restaurant, Osage Beach
- Dinner: Benton House, Warsaw
- Motel: Super 8, Warsaw
- Distance: 115 miles