Zebulon Montgomery Pike Trail to Red River, Arkansas Journey 1806 — 1807
Day 27: September 10th, 2004 Colorado Springs (Garden of the Gods)
Breakfast is again at the Cracker Barrel. Also today is a lot of traffic in the northern direction. After breakfast, the traffic in the southern direction already decreased. So I am back at my motel pretty fast. I drive over to the Shell gas station like yesterday. Then I take the very same road as yesterday. However, I do a stop over at Wal–Mart, because I am running out of picture rolls as well as water.
My next destination is Cave of the Winds. The weather today is partly cloudy. But that doesn’t hurt, when you are in a cave. I am afraid, that I am already running late for the first tour. So I forget my sweater in the car. When they tell me, that I still have half an hour, I quickly return to my car to get it.
Then the tour starts with a pretty big group. I assume, these are at least 20 people — pretty much for a Friday. First, a picture is taken of everyone in front of some beautiful stalactite and stalagmite formations. The reason is, that they want to make sure, everyone has left the cave afterwards. Don’t you believe it!
The cave has not this much to show compared to my last caves. Not many formations, just a simple cave. As the group is so big, I have trouble video taping and getting the comments recorded. Also the crying kids are not doing really well on my audio recording. For an entrance fee of $15, there is way too less to see. Also the lantern tour is only offered on Saturdays, so this highlight is also gone.
When you reach the end of the tour, you receive a nice a glossy picture of you from the beginning of the tour. If you pay additional $8, you are allowed to keep it. This is now too much of a tourist trap for me and I return it thankfully. All in all this cave is nice to see, when you have never been in a cave before. Otherwise save the money…
After I have stored everything in my car again, I drive back down to Highway 24.
My next destination is Garden of the Gods. First I drive the main road to the Visitor Center. There you can get a very good overview of the whole area. I already realize, that there are many tourists around. The park itself is free. Only the introduction video costs $2. But this is a good investment, because you learn a lot about this park and it’s foundation.
Originally this park was private property. The owners then gifted the park to the city of Colorado Springs with the requirement, that this park shall be free forever for everyone. They also planted some trees, which generates a great view of the whole park.
After the video I have a nice chat with the rangers at the Visitor Center. They are also excited, when I tell them about Pikes Trail, which I follow. They say, I already know more than they know. Before we say good–bye, they recommend two trails in the park for me: One is the Main Trail starting at the northern main parking lot. The other is the Spring Canyon Trail, which takes me to the Siamese Twins. Through a whole within this rock, I will be able to see Pikes Peak from there.

Main Loop Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Main Loop Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Main Loop Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Main Loop Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Main Loop Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Main Loop Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Main Loop Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Main Loop Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO
I say thank you for all the good information and drive over to the main parking lot. There is a paved trail taking you to all the rock formations. I start my hike, but I have to realize soon, that my camera has again trouble in transporting the film. So I have no other choice than to walk back to my car and try to get the whole film out of my camera under my black blanket and inside my bag. Then I must input the film again just by touching and feeling. Unfortunately I will later learn, that all my attempts to save the pictures were in vain. All 10 pictures, which I have taken up to now, are gone…
After fixing my camera I start my hike for a second time. This time I am successful and I get some nice pictures from the red rocks together with the planted pines. A really fantastic picture setup.

Spring Canyon Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Spring Canyon Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Spring Canyon Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Spring Canyon Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO
Then I drive on to the Spring Canyon Trailhead. There is almost no one and also the trail is not paved anymore. This is something I like way more. First I take the hiking trail to the west through a dried out river bed. Also from there I have great views of the surrounding landscape. Suddenly two equestrians show up behind me, who carefully pass me. When looking at all the horse droppings it seems, that this is a well known equestrian trail.

Siamese Twins Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO
Finally I arrive back at the parking lot. In the meantime a bunch of kids arrived with their car. But their rap music does not really fit to the environment. I hurry up to start the hike of my second trail to the Siamese Twins. There you can really see Pikes Peak through a hole in the rock. I decide to be back here in the evening for the sunset. Then I hike back to my car.

Rampert Range Road, Colorado Springs, CO

Rampert Range Road, Pikes Peak, CO

Rampert Range Road, CO

Rampert Range Road, Colorado Springs, CO

Rampert Range Road, Colorado Springs, CO

Rampert Range Road, CO
I plan to drive the Rampert Range Road as far as possible to be here back in time for the sunset. First, the road has pretty deep potholes and bumps. Then it is getting a bit more rocky. But the views into the valley are great. To my surprise, there are a lot of people driving this road with regular passenger cars. With all these potholes at the beginning, I would be scared of killing my oil pan…
The clouds are pretty much moving around and it even starts to drizzle. On the other side at Pikes Peak it almost looks like it is heavily raining. Lucky me that I have been up there yesterday. Way too soon I reach the point to turn around and to drive back.

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Siamese Twins Trail, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO
I arrive in time at the Siamese Twins and the spot behind the hole is still free–— no other photographer has occupied this spot. Then I must wait for the sunset. While I am waiting, a couple arrives here. They are from Mt. Nebo in the Pittsburgh, PA, area. Richard and Carrie are already retired and are driving through the states with their Pickup since last year. They also have a camper attached to their Pickup, so they can sleep in the car whenever necessary. But they have to move on now, because their car is parked at the northern parking lot.

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO

Sunset, Siamese Twins, Garden of The Gods, CO
After the sunset is over, another photographer shows up, who missed it. Unfortunately this sunset was not as great as expected, because the sun is still very high, when it disappears behind the mountain range. But I still hope, that I will have some nice red colors later due to the clouds in the sky. And indeed I am lucky and have the chance for some very nice pictures.
All in all I take a whole roll of pictures and almost an hour of video. Then I drive back to my motel. After my arrival, I directly continue to my Outback Steakhouse. Around 8pm I pay and drive back to my motel. Then I still must go through all my video taping of today. Exhausted I fall into my bed.
- Sights
- Cave of the Winds (Fee $15)
- Garden of the Gods (free, movie $2)
- General
- Breakfast: Cracker Barrel, Colorado Springs
- Dinner: Outback Steakhouse, Colorado Springs
- Motel: Motel 6, Colorado Springs
- Distance: 103 miles